Meet the Team

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Vicar: Timothy Robb

Having ministered at St Mary’s since 2007, it is a joy to know and be part of this great community. My passion is seeing people discover the amazing person Jesus is, and the transforming work the Holy Spirit brings in our lives all the time! I still speak with an accent (so I’m told!); I am married to the lovely Julie; we have an awesome daughter Sarah…and a dog called Millie! I also love good wine (anything New Zealand of course!), Advert Stamps, and Viola jokes.

Community & Church, Families and Children’s Worker: Liz Faulkner

This exciting role at St Mary’s involves me leading Little Stars, Friday Clubs, Additional Needs group, Sunday school and other community based family events. I’m passionate about helping all our local families and children engage and seeing supportive relationships being built. I love all things sci-fi, especially Doctor Who and Star Trek so a lot of my spare time is spent (along with my husband and daughter) heading off to comic conventions!

Treasurer: Roy Notley

I am the Treasurer of the Church. For extra revenue I always search.
People duck when they see me coming. They think I am always after something
I was born and bred in the city of Norwich. Brought up on enormous bowls of porridge.
Joined the Air Force, now that was good. Enjoyed the life cos I knew where I stood
Got married and had four wonderful kids. They’re grown up now, I’ll take any bids!
I am married to Brenda, we met in 93. Since then my life’s been filled with glee
I enjoy what I do, I feel I belong. I wish I could sing, I like a good song.

Now I’m retired I have time to give service. But don’t ask me to talk, that makes me nervous.

Assistant Minister (retired): George Cobb

At the heart of George’s ministry has been evangelism and the healing ministry then later, palliative care chaplaincy. George has been very happily married to Marilyn since 1973, and they have two married sons and four wonderful grandchildren. As well as being a keep fit enthusiast George has been a longstanding supporter of Oxford United and Portsmouth FC, and Hampshire County Cricket Club. Other interests include reading, cryptic crosswords, and listening to music.

Assistant Minister (retired): David Miller

I came to St Mary’s Eaton Socon in 2000 as a full-time Stipendiary Lay Reader and was ordained eight years later in June 2008.  I studied at Oak Hill Theological college and prior to moving to Eaton Socon I was a Chaplain at Middlesex University for 6 years having previously co-led an ecumenical Anglican/Baptist church plant in Hertfordshire.  Before entering full time Christian ministry I worked in the electronics industry preparing technical publications for engineers.

Widowed after 42 years of marriage to my late wife Diane, I then met Sarah and we were married in July 2013.  I have three grown up sons and eight grandchildren.

I enjoy listening to all kinds of music, playing the guitar, visiting heritage railways, doing DIY projects and relaxing in my garden.  In my younger days I was a keen cyclist and once cycled the length of Hadrian’s Wall, on the road not the wall!

I love preaching and teaching the Bible and find it a great joy to be able to introduce others to the love of God through Jesus Christ.


Assistant Minister (retired): Ray Porter

Ray joined St Mary’s in 2005 when, with his late wife Janice, he moved to St Neots as he took up the position of Director of World Mission Studies at Oak Hill Theological College. Now retired, he continues to preach and teach at St Mary’s and in other churches, both Anglican and Nonconformist. He serves on the Council of Global Connections, a network of evangelical mission agencies, and gives pastoral support to Railway Chaplains

 Reader: John Wood

I have spent most of my life putting atoms where they did not want to be. In short,  I am atomic anarchist. For the radio programme: “The Museum of Curiosities” I donated a single atom of iron which the producer in a later programme said was one of the three most interesting objects to be donated during the lifetime of the programme. I am now a retired academic but retain links in various ways with many universities around the world and large research institutions including CERN in Geneva. I have been a licensed Lay Reader for many years trying to bring a bit of science wisdom to those willing to listen. In 1984 my wife (Ali) and I moved to a small village near Eaton Socon (Bolnhurst) and started the Stables Christian Centre that now focuses on supporting learning disabled and mentally challenged clients. Otherwise I am an associate of the Faraday Institute on Science and Religion and a member of the Bishop of St. Alban’s Science and Apologetics group. We have two children who are both research scientists and three bouncy grandchildren. A little known fact is that I am an honorary citizen of Cluj-Napoca in Romania, the capital of Transylvania – so be careful!


Vicar’s PA: Jane Gill

David and I joined the congregation at St Mary’s during 2021 and I took over as Vicar’s PA in January 2022. The job is varied, interesting and busy and, as a relative newcomer, has proven to be a great way to get to know people in the church.

Before I started working for the church, I spent many years as a Teaching Assistant at Samuel Pepys Special School in the town and still work daily with a delightful young man who has Cerebral Palsy.

In my spare time I volunteer with the Foodbank and help to run a group called Thursday Food, providing hot meals every week for homeless and vulnerably housed people in St Neots. I am a Trustee with ACTIOS and secretary of Christian Performing Arts (CPA). I love to sew, read (belonging to two reading groups), play handbells and take long walks with our dog Max.

David and I have three beautiful daughters and have recently been blessed with our first Grandchild, Jasper.


Church Administrator: Karen Mackenzie

I joined the team at St Mary’s as Church Administrator at the end of 2016, after almost 30 years working for a well-known local company. I was drawn to the Church after serving the Food Bank which operates a centre at St Mary’s. I had been impressed with the community work I saw and wondered how I could help further. In that moment I decided to put in my CV – divine intervention one might say!! The rest is history. The post is varied and often very busy, but I love the work I do.

I have been married to my best friend, Colin, for over 35 years and, no, I am not going to make any jokes about prison sentences being shorter!! I love cocker spaniels (I have two), gin and tonic, travelling, walking, reading and hassling the Vicar – and not necessarily in that order of importance!!

Verger, Sexton and Caretaker: Roy Driver

Hi, my name is Roy and I am the caretaker. I started in the role in 2016 and have enjoyed supporting all the events this great old building holds.