How well do you remember important occasions in your life? What are some of the special memories you hold?

November is a particular time in the year when we, as God’s church, spend time remembering.

At the annual Service of Memories we remember and give thanks to God for those who have helped shape our lives over the years and contributed to making us the people we are today. Give thanks for them because without them, we wouldn’t be the same person!

In a similar way, the Remembrance Sunday services are opportunities for us to remember that we live in a world where people continue to give their lives to combat regimes that seek to oppress our freedom.

Shortly we will enter the season of Advent – when we remember that Jesus who came as a baby to live, grow and die for each of us, will one day return in all his heavenly splendour to banish sin, evil and death forever!

Are you looking forward to this day?
Are you ready for Jesus’s return?

With every blessing – Tim