What are your plans for Summer? Do you use this time to rest, relax and recuperate?
God created us all to work, rest and play – the challenge is one of balance…and it’s ever-present!
Sometimes we can let our daily work consume our lives, to the point where not only is there little time to rest, but time with our Saviour gets squeezed also!
Yet our lives can only make true sense when we learn to prioritise our relationship with Him.
Only in Him and through Him, can we discover the way He wants to shape our daily lives, bringing order, direction and purpose to them in every area.
Can I encourage you to find time this summer, to stop, be still and enjoy God’s presence? Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you, to guide and to lead you into a deeper relationship with Him… and allow Him to surprise you with all He has in store for YOU in the Autumn…
with every blessing – Tim