The Sermon on the Mount Sermon Series Resources
Using the Sermon on the Mount, this series looks at how Jesus calls us to live in today’s ever changing world.
Ezekiel Sermon Series Resources
In the midst of suffering and difficult times, it can be easy to push God to the edge of our lives. Addressed to a people suffering trauma in their exile, the book of Ezekiel shows us that even in the worst possible circumstances, it is possible to renew one’s faith and hope in God. Restoration is God’s intention…
Resources to Explore
Click any of the following ‘purple’ links to view each resource
- Church of England
Coronavirus Liturgy and Prayer Resources
Downloadable Prayers
Daily Prayer Services
Wild Worship Field Guide (when out on walks)
- The Bible Project
The Bible Project: Church at home
- Canon J John
General blog
Youtube: Face the Canon
- Tearfund
Videos on Youtube
- Steve Furtick
Meditating on God’s Word: Scriptures to ease anxiety and fear Video (skip advert)
Various articles to reflect on
The challenge of doing nothing in an age of pandemic
Why the experience of self isolation should help us commit to ending our pre-existing epidemic of social isolation
What radical neighbour love might look like now
How we might increase our mixed-ability socialising
- Billy Graham
Find peace amidst the panic
- Anton van Reenen
Job – Act II – a reflection on the current situation
- Christians in Science
General link
- NewWine
General link
- World Evangelical Alliance
General link
- Wycliffe Bible Translators
Easter Message
- Hope 15:13
Various Resources