Reading on Creation and the Environment
There are lots of books that help us to understand the problems, to gain a clearer Christian perspective, and with practical ideas for our own lives.
Here are just a few that church members will be glad to lend if you wish:
Mike Berners-Lee: How Bad are Bananas? 1 – what’s the impact of all that we do and buy – both useful and enjoyable (Profile 2010)
Mike Berners-Lee: There is No planet B1 – an easy read setting out some of the limits that our exploitation of the earth is bumping up against (CUP 2019)
John Bimson: The Book of Job and Environmental Ethics2 – is man or God at the centre of our thinking? (Grove 2020)
Dave Bookless: Planetwise1 – a readable survey of the Biblical basics (IVP 2008)
Dave Bookless: God doesn’t do Waste1 – the personal journey of the founder of A Rocha UK (IVP 2010)
Adrian Brown: Changing the Climate2 – a teacher reflects on teaching the next generation to move away from unsustainable consumerism (Grove 2015)
Peter Harris: Under the Bright Wings1 – the personal story of the founding of the first A Rocha project in Portugal (Hodder 1993)
Peter Harris: Kingfisher’s Fire1 – the story of A Rocha developing into an international organisation (Monarch 2008)
Margot Hodson: Uncovering Isaiah’s Environmental Ethics2 – what does Isaiah’s rich natural imagery teach us about the creation? (Grove 2011)
Martin & Margot Hodson: Cherishing the Earth1 – a scientist and a pastor lead a journey of hope and practical enthusiasm (Monarch 2008)
Timothy Howles: Responding Faithfully to the Environmental Crisis2 – a theological reflection on the environmental crisis (Grove 2019)
Isabel Losada: The Joyful Environmentalist1 – a feel-good, fun-to-read book about living lightly (Watkins 2020)
Charlotte Sleigh & Bryony Webb: God’s Green Book1 – seven Bible studies with lots of practical activity (SPCK 2010)
Robert Sluka: Hope for the Ocean2 – marine protection areas from the perspective of a Christian oceanographer (Grove 2012)
Nick Spencer & Robert White: Christianity, Climate Change and Sustainable Living1 – a serious engagement with the issue of sustainability (SPCK 2007)
Ian Tarrant: How to celebrate Creation2 – worship resources around the theme of creation (Grove 2019)
Sarah Tillett (ed): Caring for Creation1 – essays on biblical teaching with stories of A Rocha work around the world (BRF 2005)
Ruth Valerio: Just Living1 – living as Christians in an age of consumerism (Hodder 2016)
Ruth Valerio: L is for Lifestyle1 – chatty bite-sized chapters of Christian reflection and practical advice (IVP revised 2019)
Ruth Valerio: Saying Yes to Life1 – The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book for 2020 – looking at the world through the days of creation (SPCK 2020)
1 Anthony & Chris Harris
2 Roger & Frances Peppiatt