
Coming together to worship God is one of the essentials of the Christian life. In addition to our weekday worship opportunities, we offer two weekly Sunday morning services – 9am & 10.30am. The general rule is the later the service, the more informal it is! Once a month we also offer an early morning BCP Communion service at 8am.

On the 1st and 3rd Sunday evenings of each month (during Term Time), we offer an evening programme which consists of Life Together and Taizé.




8.00am BCP Holy Communion (1st Sunday of each month)

8am Book of Common PrayerHeld on the first Sunday of the month, this quiet and reflective service uses the 1662 Book of Common Prayer and lasts for about 40 minutes.


9.00am Holy Communion (weekly)

More traditional in nature, this service uses the standard ‘Common Worship’ services. Music is accompanied by organ, viola and robed choir. Morning Prayer is usually held on the 1st Sunday and lasts around an hour. Our service finishes with refreshments in the Church Hall.


In addition to Sunday services, we offer different opportunities to meet together during the week on Tuesdays-Fridays all at 9am. Come along and join us any time!


Tuesday, Thursday & Friday

Join us at 9am for Prayer lasting about 30 minutes.



Wednesday Holy Communion Service

This mid-week, music-free Common Worship Communion service provides time out in the middle of the week. Starting at 9am and lasting around 45 minutes, come, receive and share with us.

Our service finishes with refreshments in the Church Hall.