The Craft Group title is a little misleading, for while many of the group are extremely talented, it is not a prerequisite for joining us. We are as much a friendly and supportive group as a craft group, and at St Mary’s we can find a talent in everyone. You may not think sewing toys together, or filling them with stuffing, or making a cup of tea is enough to enable you to call yourself a member, but believe us, it is more than enough!
We make saleable items to raise funds for the church and other community needs: mini blankets and the tiniest of hats for the premature baby unit at Hinchingbrooke Hospital; blankets for a local Salvation Army hostel. We also support Macmillan Coffee Mornings and have hosted open mornings for people to learn how to crochet and knit.
If you like biscuits with your coffee or tea, or just need company and to feel useful again, the craft group is the place to be! We usually meet in term time, (unless too much chat leaves our stock short of items to sell…and so we meet in the holidays too!) on Tuesdays from 10am until 12noon in the church hall.
Contact: Linda (01480) 474167, or the Church Office (01480) 352154