
It is with great joy we can confirm NEWDAY is back again this year and by what we’ve heard, will be bigger than ever!!!!

For those Youth who haven’t been to Newday before the festival is an event for 11-18’s held in
Norwich showground at the end of July/beginning of August. We spend 6 days camping out with our
good friends from Open Door Church, enjoying new friendships, worshiping God and just having a
total ball!

More info on Newday can be found here but find someone who has been to Newday before and they will surely convince you why it is so amazing and why you should come with us!

– EarlyBird Ticket £125 until 31st Jan
– Advance Ticket £140 until 30th April
– Standard Ticket £150 until 31st July

** There will also be an additional cost of £70 per young person to cover catering, transport etc.
For families who have multiple siblings, this cost will be reduced to £60 per young person.

The Youth are busy raising money to help subsidise the cost…hopefully we will be able to let you
know by how much nearer the event.

Please contact Heather Arnold on for more information.